The AEO Certificate (Authorized Economic Operator) is a certificate issued by customs to companies that operate internationally. An AEO certificate provides companies advantages in international trade, which means that they are less strictly controlled for example in cross-border trade, which reduces waiting times at borders. To get the status of Authorised Economic Operator a company must meet with a number of security criteria. These criteria are based on the Community Customs Code and the corresponding implementing regulations.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a food safety system. Companies that deal with food, thereby prevent the safety of our food being compromised.
Skal Biocontrole is dedicated as a supervisor for proven reliability of organic products in the Netherlands. Any company that wants to produce, process, package, import, sell or store organic products, must be certified. With the issuing of this certification, we make the authenticity of organic products visible to the customer and consumer. This is how Skal contributes to the proven reliability of the organic sector.